After his ‘Wanted’ with Salman Khan, Prabhu Deva is one of the sought-after makers in Bollywood. The choreographer-turned-director is already mooting his next big venture. While his maiden venture in Hindi was a remake of his own directorial ‘Pokiri’ (which itself was the remake version of Telugu blockbuster Pokiri), the second one is also a remake. The grapevine is abuzz that this upcoming project will be a remake of Vijay's blockbuster hit ‘Ghilli’, which itself was a remake of Mahesh Babu's Okkadu.
As Wanted is being increasingly termed as Salman Khan's Ghajini and a film that has revived interest in action flicks in Hindi film industry, many producers are keen on signing Prabhu Deva. It is said that B-town’s big producers Sajid Nadiadwala and Boney Kapoor were keen to rope him in. But, finally AB Corp, the Bachchans’ company managed to flatter him with their offer.
Sources close to the director said that Prabhu Deva narrated Gilli’s script to Abhishek almost twenty days back and the actor loved it at once and immediately agreed to do it. As of now, Prabhu Deva is reworking on the script to suit the Hindi Junta and is expected to go on floors around June 2010.
On the other hand, Prabhu Deva is in US looking for a heroine. Yup! As we had it before Prabhu Deva will be finishing a Tamil film with ‘Jayam’ Ravi before starting his Bollywood venture.
Article Involves:: Prabhu Deva, Mahesh Babu,
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