Politico-actor-director-writer Posani Krishnamurali's endeavors are eerie, if not outright, ludicrous. A few months back, he released Mental Krishna and claimed to release Gali Seenu in succession. If he called Mental Krishna a film that was coming with a message, and worse, that it was a film the women would enjoy watching (!!!), he is repeating the same claim for his forthcoming film Gentleman.
We cannot comment on the film until we actually watch it; so we can hope to see something sensible in this film. And yes, Posani explores the husband-wife relationship in the film. Interesting twist: he plays a software engineer. At this age? He must be a project leader. But, do not be surprised even if he is seen as a fresher! None can predict what Posani is upto, nowadays.
The director is saying that his new film tells us that for a woman, her behavior and traits are the hallmarks of her chastity. "The film has all the ingredients that women audience can appreciate," Krishnamurali said. The film has Aarthi Agarwal playing his wife. Jitin, Nagababu, Kota Sreenivasarao are playing other characters.
Article Involves:: Posani Krishna Murali, Aarthi Agarwal
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