Vadde Naveen-Sangeetha starring ‘Srimathi Kalyanam’ had its audio launching programme yesterday at Prasad Labs, Hyderabad. Introducing Sivaal as director, Banu Kiran is producing the flick under Super Going Movie Creation banner.
Kodi Ramakrishna graced the occasion and released the trailer while the audio CDs were released by State Minister Jupalli Krishna Rao and Kodi Ramakrishna received the first copy of it.
Vadde Naveen, Sangeetha, Vijayaranga Raju, Balakrishna Rao, KVV Styanarayana, Hema, Duvvasi Mohan, Karate Kalyani, Banu Kiran, Venkat, GV Narayana Rao, Sai Karthik, Break Sreenu and others were also present at the audio launching function.
State Minister Krishna Rao said, “We almost receive some kind of message in every film. I hope there is a good message in this film too. I wish this film to become a big hit.”
Kodi Ramakrishna while speaking,The characters in this film suited the title of the film.I wish that the producer should gain lot of profits through the success of audio and film as well.
KVV Satyanarayana opened, “Vadde Naveen reminds me of Sobhan Babu and Jagapathi Babu. The songs in this film are according to the tastes of people from all walks of life.”Music Director Sai Karthik informed that there are altogether seven songs and hoped that the audience will like the film.All others who graced the event also wished for the success of the film.
Article Involves:: Vadde Naveen, Sangeetha, Kodi Ramakrishna, Hema, Duvvasi Mohan, Karate Kalyani, Banu Kiran, , G V Narayana Rao, Sai Karthik, K V V
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