Sri Lakshmi Prasanna Pictures is all getting ready to produce a film with Manoj kumar. K. Raghavendra Rao will direct this film. Raghavendra Rao, who generally visits Tirumala and takes the blessings of Lord Venkateswara before the start of his film went to Tirumala and took blessings of the Lord. Music director Keeravani also accompanied Raghavedra Rao. The music settings of this film will be held from today at Mohan Babu Educational institutes in Tirupathi.
Article Involves:: Manoj kumar, K Raghavendra Rao, M M Keeravani, Manchu Mohan Babu
hi sir im karunakar im having excellent story.
ReplyDeleteI took 6 months to make this story,
my no is 9490291886
give me one chance to narrate the story
ReplyDeleteone chance plz sir